journal: week one

I remember being a child in the '90s, reading books about people who survived terrible things: the holocaust, bombings during world wars, pogroms, the plague, jim crow, slavery... the list goes on. As a child I remember thinking how nice it was that all of those terrible things were in the past. My parents and grandparents … Continue reading journal: week one

Today was not a great day. I'm not at liberty to talk about most of it on the internet (nothing major,  just the little things that add up and become a frustrating headache; also the current US political situation), but I would like to say an extra special "fuck you" to the guy sitting next … Continue reading

unintended red-eye

I am fittingly writing this first post from a plane, where I am trying desperately to keep myself from the patch of severe turbulence we are currently experiencing. I. hate. turbulence. Apparently this particular hatred has nearly superseded my fear of interacting with strangers, because I have been strongly considering asking the man sitting next … Continue reading unintended red-eye