body language

Over the course of the past few years I have begun to come to terms with my complicated relationship with food, exercise, and the world around me. For many people this type of journey involves learning new words to describe their bodies in empowering ways. Supportive communities have sprung up around terms like "fat", "disabled", "queer" and "survivor" … Continue reading body language

learning how to read again

The last few months have been a chaotic mess of holidays, illness, cabin fever, and extreme stress about things I can't control (mostly graduate school applications and everything related to politics). I have been spending most of my time either working, volunteering, or trying in vain to keep up with the news. I have so … Continue reading learning how to read again

Eating Disorder Awareness Week- 2017

Hi all,  your friendly neighborhood blogger with binge-eating disorder here. It's eating disorder awareness week, which I honestly didn't remember until something on Facebook reminded me about it- that might show you how connected I am to the larger community (oops). There are a lot of posts floating around out there with titles like "15 … Continue reading Eating Disorder Awareness Week- 2017