what is therapy, anyway?

[content notice: I’m going to talk about what it’s like for me to be a therapist and not everyone is excited to hear about this perspective, even though all therapists are also regular humans, too. If that's you, maybe skip this one] The whole time I was in grad school I was waiting for someone … Continue reading what is therapy, anyway?

coming up for air

I am exhausted because it's the last week of the semester and also wide awake because well, of course I am (also: coffee). I'm nearing the 3/4 mark in my graduate program and am feeling the last semester of 10-12 hour days (thankfully not every day). A year ago— how could it possibly have been … Continue reading coming up for air

I love baths and I don’t care who knows it

I have been writing about self-care for a few years in reaction to over a decade of being an insomniac workaholic with chronic health issues related to not taking care of myself. My favorite post on the subject is from The Mighty and was actually written by a social worker, but well before I ever … Continue reading I love baths and I don’t care who knows it


I used to binge eat or buy lots of things I didn't need or, if I'm honest, really even want. It was a destructive coping skill, one I have since been fortunate enough to (mostly) rid myself of through a combination of therapy and community and a lot of work. Back then, when I was … Continue reading fire

some words about words

I'm wrapping up part of my social work program, which meant saying goodbye to some people today. As I was leaving and giving people hugs a few of them said things like "you're going to be such a great social worker!" and "you're going to change the world, I know it!" These are just the … Continue reading some words about words

I originally posted this on Instagram, but I liked it enough that I thought I'd repost it here. Part of my disordered eating ~journey~ has included learning to counter the destructive impulses I have around food— ones I learned and practiced for over 20 years. Sometimes, like when you’re a grad student or teacher with … Continue reading