Evidence that I might be a toddler

I have been babysitting a 2-year-old recently and have been pretty alarmed to learn how much we have in common. A list: Quiet around new people (but NOT quiet around not-new people) Encyclopedic knowledge of car manufacturers Summer fashion sense (i.e. knit dresses in "fun" print with bike shorts underneath) General disdain for pants Dislike … Continue reading Evidence that I might be a toddler

Christmas Baking Challenge 2018

I have been allergic to nuts for the better part of ten years, and aside from the anxiety and hives, the worst part has to be no longer being able to enjoy the delicious traditional German baked goods of my youth. I have a month-long break from school coming up that coincides nicely with Christmas, … Continue reading Christmas Baking Challenge 2018

Eating Disorder Awareness Week- 2017

Hi all,  your friendly neighborhood blogger with binge-eating disorder here. It's eating disorder awareness week, which I honestly didn't remember until something on Facebook reminded me about it- that might show you how connected I am to the larger community (oops). There are a lot of posts floating around out there with titles like "15 … Continue reading Eating Disorder Awareness Week- 2017

I’m really living up to my domain name so far 

Currently en route to Salt Lake City via LAX (because that flight plan made sense to delta, apparently). My boy-person and I are going to a wedding and while I'm mostly excited because I like wearing fancy clothes and getting free alocohol, it also will be a welcome distraction from the world. I'm all for … Continue reading I’m really living up to my domain name so far 

Today was not a great day. I'm not at liberty to talk about most of it on the internet (nothing major,  just the little things that add up and become a frustrating headache; also the current US political situation), but I would like to say an extra special "fuck you" to the guy sitting next … Continue reading