I love baths and I don’t care who knows it

I have been writing about self-care for a few years in reaction to over a decade of being an insomniac workaholic with chronic health issues related to not taking care of myself. My favorite post on the subject is from The Mighty and was actually written by a social worker, but well before I ever … Continue reading I love baths and I don’t care who knows it

“Here” and “Somewhere Else”

I've been thinking a lot about war lately. Currently it's because I'm in Croatia, a place that was devastated by civil war during my lifetime (more about that later), but generally it's because of the horrible things my government has been attempting to, and sometimes succeeding in doing. I've always been kind of a pacifist. … Continue reading “Here” and “Somewhere Else”

learning how to read again

The last few months have been a chaotic mess of holidays, illness, cabin fever, and extreme stress about things I can't control (mostly graduate school applications and everything related to politics). I have been spending most of my time either working, volunteering, or trying in vain to keep up with the news. I have so … Continue reading learning how to read again

journal: week one

I remember being a child in the '90s, reading books about people who survivedĀ terrible things: the holocaust, bombings during world wars, pogroms, the plague, jim crow, slavery... the list goes on. As a child I remember thinking how nice it was that all of those terrible things were in the past. My parents and grandparents … Continue reading journal: week one