some words about words

I'm wrapping up part of my social work program, which meant saying goodbye to some people today. As I was leaving and giving people hugs a few of them said things like "you're going to be such a great social worker!" and "you're going to change the world, I know it!" These are just the … Continue reading some words about words

body language

Over the course of the past few years I have begun to come to terms with my complicated relationship with food, exercise, and the world around me. For many people this type of journey involves learning new words to describe their bodies in empowering ways. Supportive communities have sprung up around terms like "fat", "disabled", "queer" and "survivor" … Continue reading body language

journal: week one

I remember being a child in the '90s, reading books about people who survived terrible things: the holocaust, bombings during world wars, pogroms, the plague, jim crow, slavery... the list goes on. As a child I remember thinking how nice it was that all of those terrible things were in the past. My parents and grandparents … Continue reading journal: week one